The Alchemist

The Alchemist

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Comparing Movie with books

The book that I would like to compare with Brother were Art Thou is the The Alchemist. The Alchemist connects to the book because in both stories the people have to go through some kind of journey. For example, Santiago has to go through a journey to find his personal legend. Also Everette and other two guys have to go through a journey in order to go were they need to be. Another thing is that in Brother were art thou they find themselves with an oracle or profit that tells them that there is a treasure that they are going to find. And in The alchemist Santiago there are people like omen that tell him that there is a treasure that he must seek yet they never tell him what it is. These are some things that are similar between The Alchemist and Brother were Art Thou.

Friday, March 27, 2009


The three words 0or symbols that I used were: oasis, Alchemists, and the story of Narcissus.
In the dictionary oasis means a part of the desert. In the book the Alchemist, Coelo uses the oasis in the same way. Alchmist another of my words means (now) any power or process of transmuting a common substance, usually of little value, into a substance of great value. In the story the Alchemist the alchemist tells or helps Santiago in different ways. The story of narcissus relates to the book because Santiago has alttle of narcissism in order to persue his personal legend.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Relating the Alchemist

The picture matches the first Alchemist because the Santiago has to learn how to turn himself into the wind also he had to trust the wind. That is what this picture represents.

Refelexion On Presentations

I learned alot on the presentations. A few things that I learned in the presentation is first that you shouldn't trust a person when they tell you things especially if they want something from you. Another thign was that Santigago learned a few things his journey to his personal Legend. The third thing that I learned was that alot of Santigao's lessons have to do in a way with some obstacles that we or I have to face in real life. The fourth thing that I learned was that even though we are tempted to stop or just let our self go with the flow we have to in a way kind of gain control of our selves. Those are a few things that I learned from the presentaions.

Friday, January 30, 2009

The story I have been reading is called " A Night to Remember" this book is very nice because it is about the Titanic and it explaines what happened and it even has some interviews about some poeple that were actually there when the titanic happened. The author says that he started an interest in the Titanic when he was

Friday, December 12, 2008